Bai Shui Chao
Telephones: 13962423309
Mark Yen
Telephones: 17312472090
Add: No.218 South Yucheng Road Kunshan City Jiangsu Province China.
When we buy injection molded parts, we sometimes encounter peculiar smell, which has a great influence on the health of users. Then, how do we avoid odor when we are doing injection molding? Here we are simply to understand.
1, strictly control the use of additives
The catalyst tertiary amine used in the production process of polyurethane foam will bring a strong smell and fog on the car's inner window. We can find the substitutes for these amines using polyhydroxy compounds. The polyhydroxy compounds are not only the components of the polyurethane molecular chain, but also have the same catalytic activity and some polyhydroxylation. The compound can even replace half the tertiary amine catalyst, so that the odor of injection molding products becomes lighter.
2. Choose a more pure resin
In many plastic moulds, especially in polyvinyl chloride, styrene, polyethyl acetate and acrylate, the residual trace mono - experience has an unpleasant smell, and the effect is better if the resin is selected from the odorless resin.
3. Pay attention to the use of adsorbents
If a small number of zeolite is filled in the polymer, it can be used to remove the odor of data. The zeolite has a lot of crystallization, which can capture small molecules of gas with a smell.